Wen Liu(刘闻)


Ph.D. at ShanghaiTech
Email: liuwen@shanghaitech.edu.cn
Advised by Prof. Shenghua Gao

Research Interests

  • Action Recognition
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Object Detection
  • About Me

    I am a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the School of Information Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University, supervised by Prof. Shenghua Gao.I am interested in computer vision and deep learning, especially action recognition, anomaly detection, object detection, segmentation, etc. Before coming to ShanghaiTech University, I received a BEng. Degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University.


    [2018/02/12] 1 paper is accepted by CVPR 2018 .

    Conference Papers

    Future Frame Prediction for Anomaly Detection - A New Baseline
    Wen Liu * Weixin Luo* , Dongze Lian, Shenghua Gao

    Accepted by CVPR 2018 [Paper] [Code (Tensorflow)]

    A Revisit of Sparse Coding Based Anomaly Detection in Stacked RNN Framework
    Wen Liu * Weixin Luo*, Shenghua Gao

    Accepted by ICCV 2017 [Paper] [Code]

    Remembering History with Convolutional LSTM for Anomaly Detection
    Wen Liu * Weixin Luo*, Shenghua Gao

    Accepted by ICME 2017 (Oral, 15% accept rate) [Paper]

    Video Anomaly Detection with Sparse Coding Inspired Deep Neural Networks
    Wen Liu * Weixin Luo*, Shenghua Gao, Dongze Lian

    Submitted to TPAMI 2018 (under review)