Yanyu Xu(徐衍钰)


Scientist at IHPC, A*Star, Singapore.
Email: xuyy2@shanghaitech.edu.cn and xu_yanyu@ihpc.a-star.edu.sg
Advised by Prof. Shenghua Gao
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Research Interests

Computer vision and deep learning, especially human-centric tasks in image or video, including visual attention prediction, pedestrian trajectory prediction, pose estimation and dancing to music.

About Me

Now, I am a Scientist at the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*Star, Singapore. I received my Ph.D. degree at ShanghaiTech University in 2020, supervised by Prof. Shenghua Gao. I am interested in computer vision and deep learning, especially human-centric tasks in image or video, including visual attention prediction, pedestrian trajectory prediction, pose estimation and dancing to music. Before coming to ShanghaiTech University, I received a BEng. Degree from Dalian University of Technology.
I’m a visting student from Sep, 2019 in Learning and Vision Lab at National University of Singapore, working with Prof. Jiashi FENG.


[2021/07/23] 1 paper accepted by ICCV 2021 .
[2021/07/09] 1 paper accepted by TPAMI .
[2021/07/01] 1 paper accepted by IROS 2021 .
[2021/06/12] 1 paper accepted by MICCAI 2021 .
[2021/03/02] 2 paper accepted by CVPR 2021 .
[2020/12/02] 1 paper accepted by AAAI 2021 .
[2020/11/22] 1 paper accepted by NuerIPS 2020 .
[2020/03/02] 1 paper accepted by CVPR 2020 .
[2019/03/02] 1 paper accepted by CVPR 2019 .
[2018/11/24] Invited talk at CS Department, Shanghai University: Beyond Universal Saliency Detection .
[2018/11/03] Nomination Award of the 2018 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship
[2018/07/03] 1 paper accepted by ECCV 2018 .
[2018/06/27] 1 paper accepted by ACM MM 2018 .
[2018/06/24] 1 paper accepted by TPAMI .
[2018/02/12] 2 papers accepted by CVPR 2018 .

Conference Papers

Layout-Guided Novel View Synthesis from a Single Indoor Panorama
Jiale Xu, Jia Zheng, Yanyu Xu, Rui Tang, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by CVPR 2021
[Paper] [Project]

Prior Based Human Completion
Zibo Zhao, Wen Liu, Yanyu Xu, Xianing Chen, Weixin Luo, Lei Jin, Bohui Zhu, Tong Liu, Binqiang Zhao, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by CVPR 2021

Amodal Segmentation Based on Visible Region Segmentation and Shape Prior
Yuting Xiao, Yanyu Xu, Ziming Zhong, Weixin Luo, Jiawei Li, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by AAAI 2021 [Paper] [Code]

SIRI: Spatial Relation Induced Network For Spatial Description Resolution
Peiyao Wang*, Weixin Luo*, Yanyu Xu, Haojie Li, Shugong Xu, Jianyu Yang, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by NeurIPS 2020

Geometric Structure Based and Regularized Depth Estimation From 360 Indoor Imagery
Lei Jin*, Yanyu Xu*, Jia Zheng, Junfei Zhang, Rui Tang, Shugong Xu, Jingyi Yu, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by CVPR 2020
[Paper] [Dataset]

Saliency Detection in 360 Videos
Ziheng Zhang *, Yanyu Xu * , Shenghua Gao, and Jingyi Yu

Accepted by ECCV 2018

Human Semantic Matting
Quan Chen, Tiezheng Ge, Yanyu Xu , Zhiqiang Zhang, Xinxin Yang, Kun Gai

Accepted by ACM MM 2018

Encoding Crowd Interaction with Deep Neural Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
Yanyu Xu * , Zhixin Piao *, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by CVPR 2018

Gaze Prediction in Dynamic 360 Immersive Videos
Yanyu Xu , Yanbing Dong, Junru Wu, Zhengzhong Sun, Zhiru Shi, Jingyi Yu, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by CVPR 2018

Beyond Universal Saliency: Personalized Saliency Prediction with Multi-task CNN
Yanyu Xu , Nianyi Li, Junru Wu, Jingyi Yu, Shenghua Gao

Accepted by IJCAI 2017 (Best Student Paper Run-upper) [Paper]

Journal Papers

Multi-column CNN and its Applications for Crowd Counting and Face Alignment
Yanyu Xu , Shenghua Gao, Yingying Zhang, Yi Ma

Submitted to IJCV (under review)

Personalized Saliency and its Prediction
Yanyu Xu , Junru Wu, Nianyi Li, Shenghua Gao, Jingyi Yu

Accepted by TPAMI

Multi-view Multi-task Gaze Prediction with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Dongze Lian, Shenghua Gao, Lina Hu, Weixin Luo Yanyu Xu , Lixin Duan, Jingyi Yu

Accepted by TNNLS 2018

Awards and Honors

The outstanding graduate 2020 in Shanghai
Nomination Award of the 2018 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship
National Scholarship for Doctoral Students 2018
Outstanding Student of ShanghaiTech University, 2018 - 2019
Best Student Paper Run-upper in IJCAI 2017
China National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Third Prize, 2017
Outstanding Student of ShanghaiTech University, 2016 - 2017
Outstanding Student of ShanghaiTech University, 2015 – 2016


Beyond Universal Saliency Detection . Invited talk at CS Department, Shanghai University, Nov. 2018.
DancingPose: A Simple Model for for Predicting Dancing Pose Sequence from Music . Invited talk at Huawei-NUS Advanced Deep Learning Forum, Nov. 2019.

Professional Services

Conference reviewer: CVPR'2019, 2020, 2021, ICCV'2019, 2021, AAAI'2020, 2021, 2022, NeurIPS'2020, 2021, ICLR 2021, WACV 2021, 2022.
Journal reviewer: IEEE TIP, TCSVT, NeuroComputing, Computers & Graphics, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).